Monthly Meetings

Highlights of recent topics and skill building sessions as well as community organizations where meetings were held included:

  • Water infrastructure, participatory approaches to data: School of Freshwater Sciences & Jones Island Water Reclamation Facility, Milwaukee
  • Integrative medicine, mindfulness: Health Sciences Learning Center
  • Gun violence, logic models: Zilber School of Public Health
  • Domestic violence, trauma informed care: Madison Public Library Central
  • Public housing, social network analysis: Westlawn Gardens, Milwaukee
  • Governmental public health, workforce development: Wisconsin Division of Public Health
  • Refugee health & migrant workers, communication and cultural competency: Wamandee House, Rosenow Dairy Farm, Eau Claire City-County Health Department
  • Urban planning and public health, health impact assessments: Fitchburg Public Library
  • Health in all policies, talking with legislators: Wisconsin State Capital

Monthly meeting photo highlights

2016 tour dairy farm in rural Wisconsin exploring the topic of migrant worker health.

2016 tour dairy farm in rural Wisconsin exploring the topic of migrant worker health.

2016 tour of the Wisconsin State Capitol included sitting in on legislative session about gun laws.

2016 tour of the Wisconsin State Capitol included sitting in on legislative session about gun laws.

2016 tour the Jones Island Water Reclamation Facility included a panoramic view of the Milwaukee skyline. 

2016 tour the Jones Island Water Reclamation Facility included a panoramic view of the Milwaukee skyline. 

2015 tour of The Hunger Task Force Farm learning about food systems.

2015 tour of The Hunger Task Force Farm learning about food systems.

2013 bicycle tour of transportation planning

2013 bicycle tour of transportation planning

2013 Growing Power tour

2013 Growing Power tour

2012 Food Bank tour and day of service

2012 Food Bank tour and day of service